CBA Operating Documents
Colorado BOCES Association Bylaws
Association of Educational Services Agencies Legislative Agenda

Each year, the AESA Federal Relations Committee work together to formalize AESA’s federal legislative agenda.
Questions about AESA’s federal advocacy can be directed to:
Dr. Joan Wade, AESA Executive Director
Noelle Ellerson, AESA Legislative Liaison
School Finance
For information on the current school finance information visit our School Finance page:
Colorado BOCES Association Legislative Platform
It is the mission of the Boards of Cooperative (Educational) Services (BOCES) to promote, lead, and support cooperative and collaborative efforts to maximize the educational opportunities of Colorado’s learners by serving as a voice for BOCES across Colorado, providing professional development opportunities, technical assistance, advocacy, research, and promotion of BOCES knowledge, products, and services. The Colorado BOCES Association is made up of twenty (21) BOCES. The 21 BOCES are governed by an appointed board of locally elected school board members. The local BOCES also utilize a Superintendent’s Advisory Council to advise the BOCES staff and Board of Directors.
Colorado Boards of Cooperative Services Act (Statutes)
Colorado Revised Statutes are made available for public use by the Committee on Legal Services of the Colorado General Assembly through a contractual arrangement with the LexisNexis Group which prepares and maintains the website.